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We examine the press' role in monitoring and influencing executive compensation practice using more than 11,000 press articles about CEO compensation from 1994 to 2002. Negative press coverage is more strongly related to excess annual pay than to raw annual pay, suggesting a sophisticated...
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We examine three alternative explanations for excess endowments in not-for-profit firms: (1) growth opportunities, (2) monitoring, or (3) agency problems. Inconsistent with growth opportunities, we find that most excess endowments are persistent over time, and that firms with persistent excess...
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Stock and option compensation and the level of managerial equity incentives are aspects of corporate governance that are especially controversial to shareholders, institutional activists, and governmental regulators. Similar to much of the corporate finance and corporate governance literature,...
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We empirically examine standard agency predictions about how performance measures are optimally weighted to provide CEO incentives. Consistent with prior empirical research, we document that the relative weight on price and non-price performance measures in CEO cash pay is a decreasing function...
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Accounting for employee stock options (ESOs) is controversial, with many arguing that it has substantial economic consequences. Such arguments rely on the assumption that one or more interested parties fixate on accounting numbers and fail to understand the real costs and benefits of ESOs. We...
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The costs associated with compiling data on employee stock option portfolios is a substantial obstacle in investigating the impact of stock options on managerial incentives, accounting choice, financing decisions, and the valuation of equity. We present an accurate method of estimating option...
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We examine determinants of non-executive employee stock options outstanding, grants, and exercises for 756 firms during 1994 to 1997. We find that firms use greater stock option compensation when facing capital requirements and financing constraints. Our results are also consistent with firms...
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To control risk-related stockholder/manager agency conflicts effectively, equity holders are expected to manage, in addition to the pay-performance slope, the convexity of the relation between firm performance and managers' wealth. I examine the stock-based compensation of 278 corporate CEOs and...
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