Showing 1 - 3 of 3
V článku sa uvádzajú základné informácie o geografických podmienkach, politickom systéme a ekonomickej situácii Peru. Výkonnosť peruánskej ekonomiky sa za posledných šesť rokov stala, takpovediac, zázrakom. Regeneračný program počas vlády prezidenta Toleda vniesol významné...
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It is always difficult to define the one and only measure of poverty, as there are different concepts of poverty based on a number of welfare indicators. The paper discuses main approaches to individual welfare measurement. A measure of individual welfare in the concept of relative deprivation...
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In this paper we systematize existing theoretical and empirical, often contradictory, knowledge of leading international economists and foreign institutions about reciprocal and causal relations between income distribution, economic growth and income poverty, in order to highlight the importance...
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