Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Slovak Republic entered the ERM II in the end of 2005 whereby it came nearer to its strategic objective - joining the euro area. In this paper we try to answer two questions. Section 1 examines the features and risks of the EMU. Is EMU an optimum currency area and what is the OCA scorecard of...
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V čase, keď sa globálna ekonomika ocitá v problémoch s klesajúcim ekonomickým rastom a rastúcou infláciou, pokračuje ďalšie rozširovanie členskej základne eurozóny. Globálna nerovnováha sa prejavuje aj na európskom finančnom trhu. Euro sa zhodnocuje oproti americkému...
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Using a large data set for 167 developed countries and emerging and transition economies, the authors estimate probability models (probit and ordered probit) based on available de jure and de facto classifications for 1970–1995 and 1995–1999. They show that economic openness, trade...
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Paper deals with the European Monetary Union from perspective of Post Keynesian school of economic thought. It discusses separately arguments often proposed by mainstream economists. After the brief introduction, which highlights main differences between mainstream and Post Keynesian economic...
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The transformation of the world economy over the past two decades has been manifesting itself in various forms. On the one hand, there is an increasing interdependence of the world economy, which is a manifestation of the depth of the globalization process, mainly thanks to the expansion of...
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An assumption that a central bank can influence the real interest rates is the object of our interest. In the paper we form and solve a model which corresponds to Romer´s (2000) assumptions. Our model is IS-LM augmented by a conception of price-adjusting after monetary intervention and...
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