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The article discusses different causes of financial crises and shows that the imputation of reinvested profits of the subsidiaries of foreign firms as a debit item on a host country's balance of payments account tends to overstate the current account deficit and to make the host country seem...
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This paper discusses environmental policies in response to foreign direct investment (FDI) in a symmetrie two-country setting, where firms' behavior affects government policy decisions. We show that two alternative equilibria with FDI are possible: (i) one with unilateral FDI, where one firm is...
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Slovak Abstract: Slovenské mestá zabezpečujú mnohé služby. Článok sa zameriava na zvoz odpadu, verejné osvetlenie, starostlivosť o mestskú zeleň, údržbu ciest a cintorínov. Analyzujeme rozhodovacie procesy Slovenských miest pri výbere dodávateľov týchto služieb v kontexte...
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The article deals with structural factors affecting decisions about the provision of services in large Slovak cities. In addition to introducing an economic model based on transaction cost theory, models of political decision making regarding the provision of services by cities (ideological...
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Trendy v medzinárodnom marketingovom prostredí formujú riadenie medzinárodných podnikateľských aktivít. Tieto trendy sú na druhej strane ovplyvňované všeobecnými trendmi vývoja svetovej ekonomiky. Riadenie medzinárodných podnikateľských aktivít je tak komplexným systémom...
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The theory of internalization currently seems to be generally accepted as a possible explanation of multinational enterprise. The issue of the theory is that a multinational enterprise has developed a firm-specific advantage in its home market, usually in the form of intangible assets, giving...
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The paper focuses on selective investment incentives. The main aim is to discuss question how to quantify net fiscal impact properly. As shown, the problem is not trivial - the proper quantification presupposes using of several parameters, accounting of costs in the economic sense of this word...
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This study is devoted to analysis of different aspects of world oil market development and its role in further growth of individual national economies, especially in connection with the ever intensifying globalization process. The study shows individual aspects and parts of the oil market, be it...
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