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In this paper we systematize existing theoretical and empirical, often contradictory, knowledge of leading international economists and foreign institutions about reciprocal and causal relations between income distribution, economic growth and income poverty, in order to highlight the importance...
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This paper aims at constructing a model of a small open economy of the Slovak Republic. In essence, the model represents a synthesis of already published modifications of the Mundell - Fleming type of models, describing the market of goods and services in interaction with the money market and...
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Jedným z kľúčových faktorov, ktoré determinujú čínsky rastový potenciál, je štrukturálna zmena vyvolaná reformami. Poznanie jej vzniku a dôsledkov, ktoré vyvolala, umožňuje lepšie pochopiť procesy prebiehajúce vo vnútri čínskej ekonomiky. Dôležitým trendom je tvorba...
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The paper analyses the factors leading to the fall of long-term interest rates in the Czech Republic – respectively, the long-term interest rate differential in the Czech Republic and the Eurozone – between 1998 and 2003. The selection of factors is determined by the Fisher equation, UIP,...
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Obsahom článku je hodnotenie novej úrovne efektívnosti terajšieho vývoja efektívnosti využívania produktívnych faktorov globálneho hospodárstva. Úvodné časti sú venované teoretickým aspektom skúmania, najmä teóriám Friedricha von Hayeka a Josepha Schumpetera. Osobitný...
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The article discusses different causes of financial crises and shows that the imputation of reinvested profits of the subsidiaries of foreign firms as a debit item on a host country's balance of payments account tends to overstate the current account deficit and to make the host country seem...
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