Showing 1 - 10 of 11
This paper examines features of the Czech stock market’s development from 1997 to 2003 and attempts to unveil the macroeconomic consequences of stock-price development. The analysis of the stock market’s behavior supports a cautionary stance on the hypothesis of the efficient-market theory,...
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In this paper, we investigate the adequacy of scaling, a method frequently used in estimation of standard deviation of stock returns. Scaling is based on the assumption that standard deviation is proportional to the square root of the length of the time interval of the sample (for example daily,...
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The submitted paper deals with the finacial management characteristics in agriculture enterprises, as well as financial positions, financial results and controlling as an instrument ensuring planning, monitoring and adopting recovery measurements within financial management. Since the major...
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The aim of this paper is to present a spectrum of approaches to managerial income statement assembling. In the preface, we explain the managerial income statement concept. We define it as a report processed for the needs of inter-business management, which intermediates various views on business...
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Functional Signal plus Noise (FSN) time series models are introduced for the econometric analysis of the dynamics of a large cross-section of prices in which contemporaneous observations are functionally related. A semiparametric FSN model is developed in which a smooth, cubic spline signal...
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Financovanie zahraničného obchodu je dôležitou súčasťou financovania obchodných aktivít firiem zaoberajúcich sa exportom a importom. Pre každú firmu, ktorá sa zaoberá zahraničným obchodom má veľký význam správna voľba platobných a zabezpečovacích nástrojov. Od správnej...
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In this paper historical performance of eleven approaches for estimation of one-day 95% value-at-risk is evaluated. Random sample of 1000 foreign exchange portfolios consisting of positions in EUR and USD with CZK as a base currency was considered. Since foreign exchange portfolio consists of...
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The paper presents empirical analysis of influence of different ownership forms on efficiency of Czech and Slovak banks using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis. The paper brings new results as it uses set of data which has not been used previously in the literature. On the set of 44 Czech and 21...
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Svetová finančná kríza, ktorá postupne prerástla do globálnej ekonomickej krízy vo veľkej miere ovplyvnila aj svetový obchod a obchodné financovanie. Obchodné financovanie je pre medzinárodný obchod nevyhnutnosťou, a preto ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) na podnet WTO...
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Príspevok sa zaoberá procesom otvárania sa Slovenska svetu z pohľadu sektoru bankovníctva. Poukazuje na špecifiká bankovníctva v ČSSR, ČSFR a na reformy po rozpade Federácie.
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