Showing 1 - 6 of 6
V článku sa uvádzajú základné informácie o geografických podmienkach, politickom systéme a ekonomickej situácii Peru. Výkonnosť peruánskej ekonomiky sa za posledných šesť rokov stala, takpovediac, zázrakom. Regeneračný program počas vlády prezidenta Toleda vniesol významné...
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Slovakia ranked to the poorest innovation performers in the EU 25 area in early 2000s. While the country's economics was booming due to high influx of foreign investment, there was real danger that Slovakia would convert to the "greatest assembly line" in Europe, with little own innovation...
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The paper focuses on selective investment incentives. The main aim is to discuss question how to quantify net fiscal impact properly. As shown, the problem is not trivial - the proper quantification presupposes using of several parameters, accounting of costs in the economic sense of this word...
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The article presents two other applications of the standard neoclassical model of consumption-leisure choice, which forms the individual labour supply. The first one is decision making concerning time allocation with regard to household production; the second one is focused on labour supply over...
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V príspevku sa zaoberám rodovými nerovnosťami na trhu práce. Predstavujem niektoré teoretické aspekty rodového prístupu, rodovej analýzy s akcentom na trh práce. Poukazujem tiež na realitu na Slovensku v porovnaní s realitou v Európskej únii (v niektorých vybraných aspektoch) na...
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Author is dealing with the participation of women in Slovak politics throught data and theory. She is trying to find the explanation, why Slovakia “is still not able” to consider woman as politician without pointing out her gender. Women make up about half the human population and the half...
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