Showing 1 - 10 of 36
This article is oriented on the analyses of the development of the mergers and acquisition process. The author shows the main reason and motivations of expansion MA and its influence on the globalization of the world economy. This activity is (in the time and the territory) very different and...
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In the following text we introduce those approaches to the methodology of economics that are relevant from the perspective of post-Keynesianism. After a partially historical outline of philosophical and methodological stances of John Maynard Keynes and Nicholas Kaldor we attempt to shed some...
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This paper evaluates economic universities and research institutes in Slovakia with respect to research output. The quality of a given university or research institute is measured by the stock approach, i.e., current staff publication activity as recorded in the SSCI and EconLit databases. Our...
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The process of the economic globalization limiting the autonomy of national subjects completed the disintegration of the Westphalian system. The rebirth of regionalism, as another phase of the world economy regionalization, is a logical defensive reaction. However, apart from the regional labour...
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This paper discusses recent claims made by Caplan (2000, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c, 2002, 2007) who argues that democracies produce bad policies as a result of voters' irrational beliefs. We start by outlining the motives which led Caplan to amend classic Public Choice in such a radical fashion. We...
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In the paper we analyze economic university research and education in transition countries. University system differs from industry in the nature of output that it produces. University system is engaged in production of public goods rather than private goods. The sector also suffers from the...
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It is always difficult to define the one and only measure of poverty, as there are different concepts of poverty based on a number of welfare indicators. The paper discuses main approaches to individual welfare measurement. A measure of individual welfare in the concept of relative deprivation...
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V deväťdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia sa začal v regióne Latinskej Ameriky rozvíjať „nový regionalizmus“, ktorý so sebou priniesol rozšírenie oblastí integrácie z prevažne čisto ekonomických aj na politické, bezpečnostné, sociálne, kultúrne a iné. Ovplyvnil tak...
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Regióny Európska únia (EÚ) a ASEAN zohrávajú významnú úlohu v medzinárodných vzťahoch a svetovom obchode. Obe zoskupenia vznikali v odlišnom geografickom, historickom a socio-ekonomickom kontexte. Porovnanie regionálnych integračných procesov ASEAN s integráciou EÚ je možné,...
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Tento rok si svet pripomenie 60. výročie prvého zasadnutia Zboru guvernérov Medzinárodného menového fondu, ktoré sa konalo v roku 1946 v Savannah, v štáte Georgia (USA), a ktorým sa oficiálne začala jeho činnosť. Je to vhodná príležitosť pripomenúť si jeho aktivity. Autor sa...
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