Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Za posledné desaťročia sa v našich podmienkach výrazne plynofikovalo a plyn sa stal hlavnou energetickou surovinou, jednak na výrobu tepla, ale aj elektrickej energie. Pôvodne lacná surovina, no v ostatných rokoch cena prudko rastie, aj preto že kopíruje cenu ropy, ktorej vývoj je...
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In dynamic business environment, foresight may be considered as a main instrument for strategic science and technology planning for companies, industrial sectors, regions or countries. Today none of the other available future studies can offer better synergies for strategic science and...
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Slovakia ranked to the poorest innovation performers in the EU 25 area in early 2000s. While the country's economics was booming due to high influx of foreign investment, there was real danger that Slovakia would convert to the "greatest assembly line" in Europe, with little own innovation...
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The paper focuses on selective investment incentives. The main aim is to discuss question how to quantify net fiscal impact properly. As shown, the problem is not trivial - the proper quantification presupposes using of several parameters, accounting of costs in the economic sense of this word...
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The small-and medium-sized enterprises in the Hungarian economy have been playing a decisive role. Among the difficulties they face during their activities one of the most serious is to raise funds for their labour costs. They try to reduce their tax wedge burden, which is regarded one of the...
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This study is devoted to analysis of different aspects of world oil market development and its role in further growth of individual national economies, especially in connection with the ever intensifying globalization process. The study shows individual aspects and parts of the oil market, be it...
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This article is oriented on the analyses of the development of the mergers and acquisition process. The author shows the main reason and motivations of expansion MA and its influence on the globalization of the world economy. This activity is (in the time and the territory) very different and...
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Medzinárodná migrácia sa v posledných rokoch stala kľúčovou prioritou politík vlád v jednotlivých krajinách. Tento príspevok analyzuje hlavné trendy súčasnej medzinárodnej migrácie, faktory vplyvu na medzinárodnú migráciu a ekonomické teórie medzinárodnej migrácie.
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