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Diez años de reforma de la infraestructura en América Latina puede enseñarnos mucho sobre cómo hacer que las privatizaciones favorezcan a los pobres. Hay mecanismos de transmisión macroeconómicos y microeconómicos por los cuales las reformas pueden afectar a estos sectores. Aquí se...
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Many argued that water accessibility to the poor has been improved with the privatization of water utilities and that … privatization on the whole has been beneficial to the poor households. In this paper, we used a multi-household integrated CGE model … to analyze the impact of the privatization of the water utilities in Senegal on poverty and inequality and we also …
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This paper offers a quantitative evaluation of the distribution of the welfare of a water privatization experience in … privatization. Second and contrary to what is often claimed, users benefited through lower real water prices. Third, labor …
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Is privatization per se socially beneficial? Or do those benefits depend on the subsequent changes in the regulatory … counterfactuals about British Telecom privatization and regulation. In the factual scenario, the British government decided to …
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The standard electricity industry reform paradigm in several EU countries since the 1990s includes privatization … insists on a rather unified approach, aiming at the full opening of the internal market. Privatization neither is a necessary … and survey data on consumer satisfaction in the EU-15. Our empirical findings reject the prediction that privatization …
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This paper offers a unique quantitative evaluation of the distribution of the welfare of a water privatization … intermediate suppliers and investors have also clearly benefited during the short privatization duration. However the paper also …
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A variety of proposals for creating more competition within the railroad sector and in the broader freight transport sector are under consideration in countries throughout the world. Brazil, though something of a latecomer to wider infrastructure reform, has recently taken large steps in...
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