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This paper tests the existence of financial contagion between US and Latin America stock markets based on the analysis of pattern of the correlation coefficients during crisis and stable periods. The study applies a dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH model to estimate...
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The exchange markets and the exchange rates of Asia and Latin America are studied econometrically. Endogenous structural change and cointegration analyzes and impulse-response functions are used. The findings indicate that: 1) the long-term timing of the exchange markets is low; 2) there is no...
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Due to the growing importance that the economies of the main Latin American countries have been gaining, the Latibex was created in December 1999. It is an international market characterized for being the only one where exclusively Latin American financial assets are negotiated, using the...
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Partiendo de la base teórica de que existe una relación positiva entre el desarrollo del mercado de capitales y el crecimiento económico, se construyen indicadores de tamaño, liquidez, riesgo, integración y eficiencia, para el mercado accionario colombiano. Para esto, se usan medidas...
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The exchange markets and the exchange rates of Asia and Latin America are studied econometrically. Endogenous structural change and cointegration analyzes and impulse-response functions are used. The findings indicate that: 1) the long-term timing of the exchange markets is low; 2) there is no...
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Spanish Abstract: En ese artículo se efectúa un análisis de la integración y dependencia de las políticas monetarias de la Unión Europea y, en concreto, de las políticas monetarias de la Unión Económica y Monetaria y de la zona no euro para el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 1999 y...
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This paper tests the existence of financial contagion between US and Latin America stock markets based on the analysis of pattern of the correlation coefficients during crisis and stable periods. The study applies a dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH model to estimate...
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In recent times, Sraffian Supermultiplier Model (SSM) (Freitas & Serrano, 2015; Serrano, 1995; Serrano et al., 2019) has become prominent in both theoretical and empirical discussions within the demand-led-growth framework. The SSM has three distinctive features: the rate of growth of output is...
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We forecast economic activity in Argentina on a quarterly real-time basis using dynamic factors models (DFM) (Blanco et al. 2018) and evaluate their forecasting performance during the COVID19 pandemic of 2020. We compare the results of forecasts based on a pre-pandemic estimation of the...
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