Showing 1 - 10 of 717
Spanish Abstract: China se unió a la comunidad internacional de Naciones Unidas (ONU) poco después del establecimiento de la organización en 1945. Aunque China era tratada hasta cierto punto como un paria internacional durante los tiempos turbulentos que siguieron a la guerra civil ganada por...
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Spanish Abstract: La taxonomía de actividades económicas sostenibles de la Unión Europea (UE) se ha creado con el objetivo de que se convierta en una normativa transversal para todas las regulaciones europeas actuales y futuras de finanzas sostenibles. Tras haberse propuesto en 2018, en junio...
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The purpose of this paper is to carry out a methodological and theoretical reflection on the role of economics in the study of urban environmental issues. Particularly, it approaches the analysis of risk as a category that allow discussing the coherence of traditional economic research tools in...
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This article puts forward an explanation of climate change within the context of global change. Climate change can be seen as the spearhead; as a manifestation of the increasing unsustainability of planet Earth. We consider some of the effects of this change, examining its uneven impact on...
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Citizen participation is often presented as a necessary part of the process of defining and managing environmental policies. In fact, it is generally regulated in a variety of ways that affect people’s rights to enquire, request and receive information. This article examines three aspects of...
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Spanish Abstract: En el Índice Global de Impunidad Ambiental México (2020) se desarrolla una metodología cuantitativa para medir los niveles de dicha categoría. Siguiendo la criminología verde se define impunidad ambiental, en un sentido amplio, para integrar la imposibilidad de investigar,...
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Nowadays the reduction or elimination of waste has become a major environmental concern among industrialized countries and a priority for companies. In this work it is carried out a review of the postulates of the classical economic model, existing until a few dates, in connection with the...
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Because of the importance of the energy sector's development for the performance and stability of the economy, its analysis has become an intriguing branch of the economic sciences. For this study it should be tested the characteristics of each of the industries that comprise it, as well as make...
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This article evaluates the presence of dynamic inconsistency on decisions of discretionary environmental policy, and its incidence on social welfare. It is assumed that an environmental authority minimizes a social welfare loss function controlling freely - on each period - a tax rate by unit of...
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This article evaluates the presence of dynamic inconsistency on decisions of discretionary environmental policy, and its incidence on social welfare. It is assumed that an environmental authority minimizes a social welfare loss function controlling freely – on each period – a tax rate by...
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