Showing 1 - 10 of 134
Book review of Stiglitz, J. E.; Greenwald, B. (2005): "Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics", Cambridge University Press
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This paper examines the effect of signaling on environmental taxation when each polluter privately knows whether its production cost is low or high, whereas third parties (i.e. the rival firms and the regulator) have only a subjective perception on such a cost. Consequently, there is both...
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Spanish Abstract: En este documento se analizan los esquemas público y privado del servicio domiciliario de aseo de la ciudad de Bogotá en materia de tarifas, eficiencia e impactos sociales. Además, se hacen sugerencias de política para una organización adecuada del sistema de aseo
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El análisis del mercado de factores no es un tema usual en los cursos convencionales demicroeconomía y cuando se aborda no se explican las motivaciones de las firmas al momento detomar su decisión de compra de insumos. En contraste, se presentan amplias discusiones dirigidasa interpretar...
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The production of mussels in the Galicia region has been historically characterized by an offer consisting of a large number of producers, while demand was concentrated in a small number of canning companies. Moreover, while canning represents more than half of the demand for mussel farmers, the...
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Spanish Abstract: Durante los años 2006 y 2007, con la creación del Decreto Ley 3/2006, el Decreto Real 1634/2006 y la Orden ITC/400/2007, se introdujeron muchos cambios en el mercado eléctrico español. Uno de los objetivos de las medidas mencionadas era disminuir el poder de mercado en la...
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Esta comunicacion investiga la manipulacion de resultados en las pymes espanolas en el periodo 2000-2008. Se trabaja con dos muestras de empresas (solventes e insolventes) y el proceso seguido ha consistido en recoger datos contables de los cinco anos previos antes del concurso de acreedores y...
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Export channel management has gained a greater relevance as one of the challenges related to internationalization processes. Analyzing the conclusions of the articles that have studied the control systems role in the context of the interorganizational relationships (Interoganisational Control,...
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This study analyzes if the implementation of TQM practices and the business performance are factors which describe ISO 9000 certified companies into the Spanish furniture industry. It also analyzes the positive relationship between TQM practices and business performance. The results of the...
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This paper focuses on earnings benchmarks using a sample of Spanish hotel firms. In particular, we examine two earnings benchmarks: loss avoidance and earnings decreases avoidance. First, we use frequency histograms to detect a discontinuity around zero. Second, we use discretionary accruals and...
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