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national, regional and subregional regulation systems while keeping its international level (system UNFCCC). The Doha … years. The leading tendency (transition to regional, subregional and national regulation systems) was maintained, as well as …
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Serbian Abstract: U radu se razmatraju problemi ekonomskog (i nacionalnog) suvereniteta u uslovima globalizacije, u kojima značaj državnih granica postaje sve manji. Pošto su međunarodne finansijske institucije preuzele neoliberalnu doktrinu, one su postale i glavni promoteri globalizacije...
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English Abstract: The work deals with the problems of building the market economy of perfect competition in actual … ineffective competition in industrial branches. The analyses made in this work was a basis for the recommendations for the … economic, first the antitrust policy, in them the adequate regulation and practice unreasonably is to be late.Serbian Abstract …
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English Abstract: The paper analyzes the degree of concentration and competition in Serbian banking sector on the basis … competition among them …
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Serbian Abstract: У раду се анализирају досадашњи резултати изградње дигиталне економије у Србији. Полази се од потпуно прихваћеног става у савременој науци да су ИКТ...
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