Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Serbian Abstract: Мерење пословних перформанси игра посебну улогу у побољшању квалитета одлучивања и расту укупне пословне ефикасности. Мерењем се обезбеђују...
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Serbian Abstract: Комплексност државне управе, као један од горућих проблема са којим се сусрећу грађани Републике Србије, довела је до њене неефикасности и...
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Serbian Abstract: У раду се разматрају проблеми одређивања оптималног распореда слова на тастатури, који мора бити заснован на карактеристикама и специфичностима...
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English Abstract: As wages are the primary means of income for the majority of people in every country in the world, understanding the reasons for differences in wages is important for human welfare. One potential source of differences in wages between countries is differences in the degree of...
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English Abstract: Economic research at the turn of the century has been explicitly dealing with the social capital, as a special form of capital. It is a relatively new concept, which is why it is not surprising that there is no generally accepted term to denote this phenomenon. The social...
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In the conditions of obsolete, huge industrial capacities adequate for planned and autarkic and not market economy, large material devastations that Croatia was exposed to, and economic activity decline, the essential developmental factor or beter to say the main comparative advantage should be...
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