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Over the last decades, waste quantities have grown steadily in close relation to economic growth. To tackle the problem of continuing waste growth within the EU, waste prevention was listed among four top priorities in the EU Sixth environment Action Programme. A Computable General Equilibrium...
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By using an applied general equilibrium model of the Swedish economy, this paper examines how an in-troduction of a kilometre tax will affect economic growth (GDP), industry structure and emission levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx). According to our findings, the GDP will decrease by 0.1-0.3 per...
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Parallel to the efforts of the EU to achieve a significant and overall reduction of waste quantities within the EU, the Swedish parliament enacted an environmental quality objective stating that ‘the total quantity of waste must not increase …’ i.e. an eventual absolute decoupling of waste...
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I ringa utsträckning diskuteras graden av konkurrens. En förklaring kan vara, att konkurrensuppfattningen härrör från neoklassisk teori. En mera realistisk konkurrensuppfattning vinns genom att utgå från SCP-paradigmet. Med hjälp av detta paradigm kan urskiljas tre grupper av begrepp,...
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