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In this paper the recent effect of the European Monetary Union on inward FDI-flows is examined. We use a difference-in-differences approach for both a gravity based- as well as a general equilibrium approach. The estimated results show that the introduction of the euro raises inward FDI by 14 to...
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theoretical hypotheses on the causes of the FDI. The good results obtained with the GMM system estimator suggest that the building …
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quantities based on individual by individual GMM estimation can be severely biased due to the incidental parameter problem, we …-T expansions of the finite-sample bias of fixed effects GMM estimators, reduce the order of the bias from O(T¡1) to O(T¡2) and …
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In random coefficients linear IV models, fixed effects averages of the random coefficients are biased in short panels due to the finite-sample bias of IV estimators. This paper introduces a new class of bias-corrected fixed effects estimators for panel data models where the response to the...
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panel estimation, GMM (1998) is used for examining the relation between growth and long term debt. The study found that …
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This paper reviews the literature on the econometrics of median-unbiased estimation in panel data and provides methodological guidelines for its implementation. The method is then used to evaluate the well known GDP convergence and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypotheses. In the first two...
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This paper deals with a dynamic adjustment process in which adjustment of a key variable input (labor) towards its desired level is modeled in a panel data context. The partial adjustment type model is extended to incorporate firm- and time-specific adjustment parameter. A flexible (translog)...
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This study is an attempt to determine the capital structure of listed firms in the chemical industry of Pakistan. The study finds that by studying a specific industry's capital structure, one can ascertain unique attributes, which are usually not apparent in the combined analysis of many sectors...
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L’objectif de cet article est de déterminer les effets de la diffusion des innovations technologiques sur la demande de la main d’oeuvre par qualification des industries pour le cas d’un pays en développement (en l’occurrence la Tunisie) en utilisant des données de panel sur la...
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We argue that how inward foreign direct investment (FDI) affects domestic human capital accumulation (HCA) depends on the degree of financial deregulation. Utilizing the Chinese experience and its panel data, the OLS (ordinary least squares) regressions suggest that FDI has a significant...
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