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English Abstract: International trade, as an element of force that shape our world, is administered by the rules …-based system of the World Trade Organization for the ideal of free movement of goods and services. Recently, the dy-namics of the … a brief infor-mation concerning the history of World Trade Organization and commence with assessing the legal grounds of …
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As a result of the current global financial crisis, in 2009 the world economy is likely to experience the largest … contraction since World War II and the unemployment rate to reach historical highs in many countries. The fact that the current … Great Depression are not valid anymore to a great extent. Together with the decisions taken by the leaders of the world …
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As a result of the current global financial crisis, in 2009 the world economy is likely to experience the largest … contraction since World War II and the unemployment rate to reach historical highs in many countries. The fact that the current … Great Depression are not valid anymore to a great extent. Together with the decisions taken by the leaders of the world …
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Turkish Abstract: Devletler ülke sınırları içinde kişiler ve kanunlar üzerinde tam, üstün ve münhasır olarak egemendir. İnternet ve beraberinde kolaylaştırdığı sınırlar arası veri aktarımı devletin egemenliğine ilişkin geleneksel anlayışları zorlamaktadır. AB’nin...
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Turkish Abstract: Terörizmin finansmanın önlenmesi konusunda atılan adımlar, sanal paraların ortaya çıkmasıyla yetersiz kalmışlardır. Kripto paralar, sanal paraların bir türü olup blokzincir teknolojisine dayanmaktadır. Kripto paralar, merkezileşmemiş sistem üzerinden işlem...
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Turkish Abstract: 2016’da Ukrayna, Rusya Federasyonu’na (Rusya) karşı 1982 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (BMDHS) Ek VII uyarınca Karadeniz, Azak Denizi ve Kerç Boğazı’ndaki kıyı devleti haklarına ilişkin tahkim yargılaması başlatmıştır. Rusya,...
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Uluslararasi iliskiler tarihinin barislardan cok savaslar ve yikimlar tarihi oldugu varsayimi, bu alani ulusal cikar, askeri güc ve devlet eksenli kisir bir döngüye hapsetmistir. Son yüzyil icinde yasanan küresel savaslar ve insanlik trajedileri bu varsayimi dogrulasa da, uluslararasi...
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blooming country of the world - Azerbaijan's investments in Turkey energy sector and its impacts on both these economies. After …
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As a result of the current global financial crisis, in 2009 the world economy is likely to experience the largest … contraction since World War II and the unemployment rate to reach historical highs in many countries. The fact that the current … Great Depression are not valid anymore to a great extent. Together with the decisions taken by the leaders of the world …
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