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Turkish Abstract: Değişen çevre koşulları ve bilgi teknolojilerinde yaşanan gelişmeler otomotiv sektöründe şiddetli bir rekabete yol açmıştır. Bu değişim otomotiv firmalarının ve lider otomotiv üreticisi ülkelerin faaliyetlerini gözden geçirmesine ve radikal kararlar...
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Calismada en son yayinlanmis olan 2002 yili girdi-cikti tablolari kullanilarak, Turk imalat sanayi stratejik onem yonunden Chenery-Watanabe, Rasmussen-Ghosh, Dietzenbacher ve Laumas katsayi yontemlerine gore incelenmistir. Calismada kullani-lan tum modeller stratejik onemi baglanti katsayilarina...
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Toplam Kalite Yonetimi (TKY) uygulamalari, tum dunyada oldugu gibi ulkemizdeki kucuk ve orta buyuklukteki isletmelerde (KOBI) her gecen gun yayginlasmaktadir. Bu calismada, Denizli’de tekstil sektorunde faaliyet gosteren KOBI’lerde TKY uygulamalarinin musteri memnuniyetine ve firma...
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Due to the complex and close interaction of banks with other economic units, any trouble in banking sector might have repercussion on the whole economy which makes the market structure and competition in banking sector as a cynosure. In fact, in order to understand the market structure,...
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Bu calismada, Turkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi tarafindan 2005 yili Mayis-Temmuz aylari arasinda ozel imalat sanayinde yer alan 999 firmaya uygulanan ve firmalarin fiyatlama politikalarinin incelendigi “Firmalarin Fiyatlama Davranisi Anketi” projesinin sonuclari degerlendirilmektedir. Elde...
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Amac: Yapilan bu calisma, uretim isletmelerinde kullanilan uretim teknolojilerinin secimi ve bu teknolojinin sureclere simulasyon metoduyla uygulanmasi ile ilgilidir. Calismanin amaci, isletmelerin amaclarina uygun teknoloji secimine katkida bulunmak ve teknolojinin sureclere ne gibi katki...
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manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, asserts that there is … a strong positive casual relationship between manufacturing productivity growth and output growth, due to static and … growth in manufacturing output, and negatively correlated to employment in non-manufacturing sectors. The empirical results …
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manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, asserts that there is … a strong positive casual relationship between manufacturing productivity growth and output growth, due to static and … growth in manufacturing output, and negatively correlated to employment in non-manufacturing sectors. The empirical results …
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