Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Orgutlerde calisanlarin gelisimi icin yapilan uygulamalar giderek artmaktadir. Calisanlarin orgute bagliliklarinin arttirilmasi, calisan ve orgut performansinin arttirilmasi, potansiyel calisanlarin orgute cekilmesi yaninda calisanlarin is tatminlerinin ve motivasyonlarinin saglanmasi icin bu...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Turkish Abstract: Bu çalışma, G7’ye dahil ülkelerin ve Türkiye’nin seçilen ekonomik göstergelerde ekonomikperformanslarının 2019 yılı ikinci çeyrek ve 2020 yılı 2. çeyreğini ayrı ayrı, TOPSIS yöntemiylesıralanmasını, elde edilen sonuçların karşılaştırılmasını...
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Issizlik temel olarak isgucu piyasasindaki duzenlemelerin bir sonucudur. Isten cikarmalar birlesmeler, satin almalar, isletmelerin kuculmeleri ve ele gecirmeler sonucunda meydana gelmektedir. Aktif programlar istihdam firsatlarini arttirmakta ve isgucunun yeniden egitilmesi ile isgucu tedariki...
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Gelismis Avrupa ulkelerinin cogu son 30 yildan bu yana issizlik problemi ile karsi karsiyadirlar. Bu ulkelerde emek arzinin erken emeklilik ve calisma surelerinin kisaltilmasi yoluyla azaltilmasi 1970’lerin sonunda itibaren issizlikle mucadelede izlenilen baslica yollar olmustur. Bu makalede...
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Bu calismada Turkiye’de sektorel issizligin dogal issizlik orani onsaviyla mi yoksa issizlik histerisi onsaviyla mi aciklanabilir oldugu incelenmektedir. Bu amacla Turkiye’deki 9 sektorun 1988-2008 donemini kapsayan issizlik orani serilerinden olusan panel veri seti olusturularak, issizlik...
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