Showing 1 - 10 of 18
In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have … impacts on growth in Turkey in the analyzed period. However, inflation uncertainty has much more negative effect on growth in … comparison with inflation. In other words, while 1% increase in inflation rate decrease growth 0.56%, an 1% increase in inflation …
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In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have … impacts on growth in Turkey in the analyzed period. However, inflation uncertainty has much more negative effect on growth in … comparison with inflation. In other words, while 1% increase in inflation rate decrease growth 0.56%, an 1% increase in inflation …
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In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have … impacts on growth in Turkey in the analyzed period. However, inflation uncertainty has much more negative effect on growth in … comparison with inflation. In other words, while 1% increase in inflation rate decrease growth 0.56%, an 1% increase in inflation …
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AR-GE harcamalari - buyume iliskisine icsel buyume modellerinde genis bir sekilde deginilmis fakat bu iliskinin varligi ve bu iliskinin yonu son zamanlarda yapilan calismalarda tartisilmaya baslanmistir. Bu calismada Turkiye icin AR-GE harcamalari – buyume iliskisi nedensellik baglaminda...
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English Abstract: The studies about the relationship between financial development and economic growth that express the …
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Turkish Abstract: Bu çalışmada, oynaklık endeksi VIX ile küresel ticaretin öncüsü olarak kabul edilen Baltık Kuru Yük Endeksi (Baltic Dry Index - BDI) arasındaki ilişki 06.12.2010 - 30.11.2017 dönemi günlük verileri esas alınarak incelenmiştir. Engle - Granger Eşbütünleşme...
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Bu calismada Turkiye ekonomisinde dis ticaret ve sanayilesmepolitikalarinda yapisal bir donusume gidildigi 1980 sonrasi donemde, dis ticaretin verimlilik ile olan iliskisinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Calismada ilk olarak, 1980-2007 arasi donemi kapsayan yillik veriler kullanilarak,...
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Turkish Abstract: Bu çalışma, G7’ye dahil ülkelerin ve Türkiye’nin seçilen ekonomik göstergelerde ekonomikperformanslarının 2019 yılı ikinci çeyrek ve 2020 yılı 2. çeyreğini ayrı ayrı, TOPSIS yöntemiylesıralanmasını, elde edilen sonuçların karşılaştırılmasını...
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This paper attempts to test Wagnerian and Keynesian hypotheses by examining the relationship between economic growth … expenditure) from economic growth to disaggregated public expenditure that total current, investment, transfer expenditures, non … casual relationship between economic growth and total public expenditures, they do support the existence of long run …
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de enflasyon-ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi 1987:1-2003:2 dönemi için test edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre; enflasyon ekonomik büyümeyi negative yönde etkilemektedir. Þöyle ki, enflasyon oranındaki %10'luk bir artış ekonomik büyümeyi %1.9...
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