Showing 1 - 10 of 45
Kuresellesmeyle gelen yeni ekonomi kavramý, ulkelerin liberalizasyon, deregulasyon ve ozellestirme calismalarinin hizlandirmasina yol acmistir. Ozellestirme, piyasa aksakliklarindan ve yanlis yapilanmalardan dogan zararlari ortadan kaldirarak, ulkelere sosyal refah artirici verimlilik...
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In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have been investigated. GARCH models are used to generate a measure of inflation uncertainty and quarterly data covers the period of 1987:1-2003:3. According to the results from...
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In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have been investigated. GARCH models are used to generate a measure of inflation uncertainty and quarterly data covers the period of 1987:1-2003:3. According to the results from...
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In this paper, Turkish high and persistent inflation experience and its impact on inflation uncertainty and growth have been investigated. GARCH models are used to generate a measure of inflation uncertainty and quarterly data covers the period of 1987:1-2003:3. According to the results from...
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AR-GE harcamalari - buyume iliskisine icsel buyume modellerinde genis bir sekilde deginilmis fakat bu iliskinin varligi ve bu iliskinin yonu son zamanlarda yapilan calismalarda tartisilmaya baslanmistir. Bu calismada Turkiye icin AR-GE harcamalari – buyume iliskisi nedensellik baglaminda...
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modernization of the technologic infrastructure; the second one is a development strategy in focus agriculture depending on new …
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agriculture sector has a very low efficiency. The paper, claims that through introduction of farmland real estate investment … trusts, Turkish agriculture sector can achieve economies of scale and consequently increase its efficiency …
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Turkish Abstract:Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde gelişen teknoloji ve kabiliyetler sonucunda ortaya çıkan patentlerin çevresel dengeye katkısı olmaktadır. Çevresel inovasyonlar ülkelerin temel sorunu olan ve yaşadığımız dünyaya en fazla zarar veren karbondioksit...
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1960'larda hizlanan sanayilesme sürecinde gelismekte olan ülkelerin endüstriyel faaliyetlerinin sadece tekstil gibi geleneksel emek yogun endüstriler ile sinirli kalmayip, ayni zamanda çelik, petrokimya, gübre, kagit gibi yüksek oranda kirlilik yaratan ve bu ülkelerin geleneksel olarak...
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This study first provides an outline of Kaldor's growth model and then tests its relevance to the economic experience of Turkey during the period 1963-2005 by using cointegration and causality tests. Kaldor's first law states that manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the...
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