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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Turkish Abstract: Bu çalışma 1996-2015 dönemi için Türkiye ekonomisinin rekabet gücünüincelemektedir. Bu çalışmada yapılan analiz, “Büyük Ticaret Çöküşü” ve “Avro BölgesiBorç Krizi” olarak adlandırılan dönemleri de içeren bir biçimde, dış şokların enbüyük...
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English Abstract: At this study, it is investigated economic relations between North-South in terms of development in the South. After the Second War, In the North, there have been appeared three main eras: North America (USA), European Union and Japan (Pacific). In the 1970s, after the North...
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Bu calismada Turkiye ekonomisinde dis ticaret ve sanayilesmepolitikalarinda yapisal bir donusume gidildigi 1980 sonrasi donemde, dis ticaretin verimlilik ile olan iliskisinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Calismada ilk olarak, 1980-2007 arasi donemi kapsayan yillik veriler kullanilarak,...
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Turkish Abstract: 21. yüzyılın en büyük ekonomik projesi olan Bir Kuşak Bir Yol projesi hem Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti hem de katılımcı ülkeler için çok önemlidir. Başta Güney Kafkasya olmak üzere dünya ekonomisindeki yaranan yeni gerçekler, tarihi İpek Yolu üzerinde ve birçok...
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Bu calýsmanin amaci Turkiye’nin AB–15 ve AB– 10 ile Bulgaristan ve Romanya gibi aday ulke gruplarý icinde imalat sanayi ihracatinda uzmanlastigi/karsilastirmali ustunluge sahip oldugu endustrileri belirlemektir. Ilk olarak, Balassa endeksi kullanilarak Turkiye’nin ihracatta uzmanlasma...
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