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This study first provides an outline of Kaldor's growth model and then tests its relevance to the economic experience … manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, asserts that there is … a strong positive casual relationship between manufacturing productivity growth and output growth, due to static and …
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This study first provides an outline of Kaldor's growth model and then tests its relevance to the economic experience … manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, asserts that there is … a strong positive casual relationship between manufacturing productivity growth and output growth, due to static and …
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Turkish Abstract: Minsky'e ait Finansal İstikrarsızlık Hipotezi (FİH), metodolojik olarak Post Keynesyen makro iktisadın ana varsayımlarını taşımaktadır. FİH'in temelinde yatan ana varsayımlar ve FİH'in Post Keynesyen kökenleri bu çalışmada etraflıca tartışılmaktadır....
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Turkish Abstract: Post Keynesyen İktisat Okulu, Cambridge ekolüne dayanan ve Keynesyen Doktrin'in ana savlarını makroekonomik reel problemler ölçüsünde yorumlamak amacı taşıyan Heterodoks bir iktisat okuludur. Epistemolojik ve ontolojik açıdan Neo Klasik iktisat okulu...
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1990’larin sonunda iktisat yazininda Yeni NeoKlasik Sentez ya da Yeni Keynesyen Makro Model (YKMM) olarak adlandirilan bir uzlasma meydana gelmistir. Bu uzlasmanin temel ozelligi, Yeni Klasik, Reel Ýs Cevrim Kurami ve Yeni Keynesyen Ýktisatin fikirlerinin sentezinden olusmasidir. YKMM bir...
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Hizlanan küresellesme süreci birkac onyildir ekonomik ve finansal krizlerde küresel bulasiciliklar yaratmaktadir. Bu baglamda, küresel Keynescilik yaklasimi Keynesci düsüncenin özüne küresel düzeyde basvurarak, küresel ekonomik sistemin yeniden yapilandirilmasi icin essiz bir firsat...
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Yerlesik iktisatta “Yeni Acik Makroekonomi” (New Open Macroeconomics) (NOEM) yazini son on yildir küresel ekonomide optimal para politikalari ve bu politikalarin kordinasyon sorunu üzerinde süregelen tartismalar isiginda sekillenmektedir. NOEM yazini küresel ekonomide ülkelerarasi...
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This study first provides an outline of Kaldor's growth model and then tests its relevance to the economic experience … manufacturing is the engine of economic growth, whereas the second proposition, also known as Verdoorn's law, asserts that there is … a strong positive casual relationship between manufacturing productivity growth and output growth, due to static and …
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Bu calisma Turkiye ekonomisinde 1985-2002 doneminde endustriyel buyumenin kaynaklarini belirlemeyi ve analiz etmeyi amaclamaktadir. Bu amacla, 1985-2002 doneminin tamami ile 1985-1990 ve 1990-2002 altdonemlerinde endustriyel buyu-menin kaynaklari Syrquin yapisal ayristirma modeli ile...
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In this paper, we investigate the responsiveness of financial markets to monetary policy expectations in Turkey. According to the efficient markets hypothesis, financial markets respond to anticipated policy actions prior to a policy announcement. As a result, they are expected to respond only...
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