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English Abstract:</B> In a globalizing world, along with the economic and technological developments, there is also a …
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Bu calismada bilissel tarz, ogrenme stratejileri ve becerilerinin farkli ogrenme ortamlarinda ogrenme performansi uzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Bu cercevede Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Isletme Fakultesi’nin dort farkli bolumunde egitim goren 2.-4. sinif ogrencilerinin...
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Bir satinalma gerceklestirmeden once, musteriler genellikle satinalma karari surecine dahil olmakta ve gecmis deneyimleri, ic ve dis kaynaklardan elde ettikleri bilgileri degerlendirdikten sonra, alternatif urunler arasinda secim yapmaktadirlar. Satis isinde basarili olmak icin satiscilar icin...
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Secimlerde, secim sistemlerinin hur iradeyi yansitabilecek sekilde olmasi tartisma yaratabilecek bircok konunun bastan cozumlenmesini saglar. Bu calismada da ortaya konulmak istenilen, rektorluk secim sistemine yonelik elestirilerin neler oldugu ve alternatif bir secim sisteminin nasil olmasi...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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Increasing income inequality has made economists focus on income mobility issue which enables individuals to relocate their income position up to higher income groups. Income mobility and its effects on inequalities have begun to be investigated following 2000s and rather for developed countries...
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