Showing 1 - 10 of 44
Turkish Abstract: Bu çalışma 1996-2015 dönemi için Türkiye ekonomisinin rekabet gücünüincelemektedir. Bu çalışmada yapılan analiz, “Büyük Ticaret Çöküşü” ve “Avro BölgesiBorç Krizi” olarak adlandırılan dönemleri de içeren bir biçimde, dış şokların enbüyük...
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South countries have also got same situation. Brazil, Mexico China, Turkey, India, Indonesia and South Korea have got …
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Bu calismada Turkiye ekonomisinde dis ticaret ve sanayilesmepolitikalarinda yapisal bir donusume gidildigi 1980 sonrasi donemde, dis ticaretin verimlilik ile olan iliskisinin analiz edilmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Calismada ilk olarak, 1980-2007 arasi donemi kapsayan yillik veriler kullanilarak,...
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both the People's Republic of China and the participating countries. The new realities created in the world economy … the impact of the One Belt One Road project on the economic relations between Azerbaijan and China. In the study, general …
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Bu calýsmanin amaci Turkiye’nin AB–15 ve AB– 10 ile Bulgaristan ve Romanya gibi aday ulke gruplarý icinde imalat sanayi ihracatinda uzmanlastigi/karsilastirmali ustunluge sahip oldugu endustrileri belirlemektir. Ilk olarak, Balassa endeksi kullanilarak Turkiye’nin ihracatta uzmanlasma...
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The present paper examines the effects of the Customs Union (CU) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Turkey's extensive and intensive margins. For this purpose, using highly disaggregated product-level data at the six-digit product level of Harmonized System, we first decompose Turkey's export...
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The present paper examines the effects of the Customs Union (CU) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Turkey's extensive and intensive margins. For this purpose, using highly disaggregated product-level data at the six-digit product level of Harmonized System, we first decompose Turkey's export...
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English Abstract: Concentrating with generally accepted globalization in the latest eras with annualing the controls on …
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