Showing 1 - 10 of 20
Employment rates and earnings among single mothers improved significantly after 1980, and by 2000, low-income rates reached new historic lows. Unlike married mothers, most of the gains among lone mothers were the result of the dynamics of population change and cohort replacement as the large and...
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Malgre des reformes relativement modestes du regime de bien-etre au Canada par rapport aux Etats Unis, les taux d'emploi et la remuneration des meres seules ont progresse depuis 1980 presque d'un meme ordre de grandeur dans ces deux pays. Nous allons montrer que la plupart des hausses au Canada...
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Despite comparatively modest welfare reforms in Canada relative to those of the United States, employment rates and earnings among single mothers have risen by virtually identical magnitudes in the two countries since 1980. We show that most of the gains in Canada and a substantial share of the...
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Les taux d'emploi et les gains des meres seules ont augmente sensiblement apres 1980 et, en 2000, les taux de faible revenu etaient descendus a de nouveaux creux record. Contrairement au cas des meres mariees, chez les meres seules la plus grande partie des hausses etait attribuable a la...
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A l'aide des donnees des recensements de 1981, 1986, 1991 et 1996, cette etude permet d'examiner le rapport entre le fait de vivre dans une enclave de minorite visible et les resultats sur le marche du travail des immigrants dans les trois plus grandes villes au Canada. Les resultats montrent...
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Fondee sur des donnees de recensement, cette etude du faible revenu chez les immigrants vise a determiner 1) si le taux de faible revenu a augmente chez les cohortes successives de nouveaux immigrants, en valeur absolue, et relativement a celui observe chez les Canadiens de naissance, 2) le cas...
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This study uses census data to focus on low-income among immigrants, and asks a number of questions: (1) have low-income rates increased among successive cohorts of entering immigrants, both in absolute terms and relative to the Canadian born (they have), (2) is this increase due to changes in...
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Using Census data from 1981, 1986, 1991 and 1996, this study examined the association between living in a visible minority enclave and immigrants' labour market outcomes in Canada's three largest cities. The results showed that the number of such enclaves, defined as census tracts with at least...
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En fondant notre recherche sur des donnees administratives, nous nous demandons 1) si l'evolution des caracteristiques des immigrants, notamment l'augmentation de la proportion d'immigrants ayant un niveau de scolarite universitaire et de celle des immigrants dans la categorie des < travailleurs qualifies de l'immigration economique >, ont...</travailleurs>
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Using administrative data, this paper asks (1) whether the changing characteristics of immigrants, notably the rise in the share with university education and in the "skilled economic" immigrant class, contributed positively to immigrant entry earnings during the 1990s, and (2) whether the entry...
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