Showing 1 - 10 of 61
Using daily data from March 2001 to June 2005, we estimate a VAR-BEKK model and find evidence of return and volatility spillovers between the German, the Dutch and the British forward electricity markets. We apply Hafner and Herwartz [2006, Journal of International Money and Finance 25, 719-740]...
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In September 2014, the MICEX Index saw an uptrend starting at 1392 and reaching a month high of 1477 by September 16 but then went down to 1430 and stood still until the end of the month. The MICEX capitalization was Rb 22,8trillion (35.2% of GDP) by September 25. At the same time, the share of...
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The MICEX Index, after having risen by 2% to 1,513 points over the fi rst ten days of July, then dropped by 10% towards the month’s end. By 28 July, MICEX Index stood at 1,361.9 points. The MICEX’s capitalizati on by 28 July had amounted to Rb 21.8 trillion (or 32.0% of GDP). Russia’s...
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Forecasting the density of returns is useful for many purposes in finance, such as risk manage- ment activities, portfolio choice or derivative security pricing. Existing methods to forecast the den- sity of returns either use prices of the asset of interest or option prices on this same asset....
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In this paper, we first provide empirical evidence of the existence of intraday jumps in the crude oil price series. We then show that these jumps, in conjunction with realized volatility measures, are important in modeling the convenience yield over the 2001-2010 period. Our empirical results...
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In August 2014, the MICEX Index, after having risen to 1,460 points as of 21 August, over the next few days dropped by 4.1%, standing as of 29 August at 1,400.7 points. The MICEX’s capitalization as of 29 August amounted to Rb 22.4 trillion (or 34.6% of GDP). In August, the main negative...
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Over the course of February 2015, the MICEX Index continued to grow and hit its four-year record high of 1,809.6 points. The stock market’s capitalization index as of 25 February amounted to Rb 27.4 trillion (or 38.6% of GDP). As before, the situation in Russia’s domestic corporate bond...
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Рост индекса ММВБ в течение мая с незначительной коррекцией в середине месяца связан с увеличением фьючерсных цен на нефть и притоком иностранных портфельных...
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Российский фондовый рынок в июне находился под негативным влияниям динамики между-народных фондовых рынков. Снижение дивидендов по акциям «Газпрома» с 8,97 руб....
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Индекс ММВБ увеличился с 1 по 25 июля на 4,9%, основным источником роста стало удорожание акций «Газпрома» на 20,37%. Капитализация фондового рынка в этот период...
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