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We have developed a simple oligopoly model in which foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions are determined in an endogenous fashion. There is a host oligopoly facing competition from a foreign oligopoly in the form of either foreign investment or exports. Then, we propose a multi-stage game to...
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This paper implements the conceptual framework sketched by Pyatt (1990) to construct an extended Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (ESAM-95) to consider, in addition to the market economy, the production of services provided by households through unpaid work. In doing so, the ESAM-95...
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The analysis of the determinants of the individual wage income can be transfered to the total domestic income from the point of view of the human capital. This paper analyzes the effects that a group of variables, relative to sociodemographic and labour attributes, exerts on the total income...
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This paper carries out a household classification in the framework of the Social Accounting Matrix. Bearing in mind the enlargeinent proposals of the National Accounts System of the United Nations, a first classification of Spanish households in accordance with certain demographic...
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Evidence of the existence of overeducation in the Spanish labour market has drawn the attention of research on the transitory character of overeducation (Alba-Ramirez, 1993 and García and Malo, 1995). Our main interest lies on whether overeducation is a source of inefficiency in the allocation...
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In this paper we analyze the possibility that temporary exchange rates shocks have persistent effects on market structure and trade flows (Le. hysteresis) when we consider a monopolistic competition market where firms established in different countries face sunk cost entry. Moreover we want to...
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This paper investigates what are the equilibrium distribution systems in a successive duopoly when retailers hold the power to choose the number of products they wish to market. Since they both can be multi-product sellers, the number of possible channel structures considered is larger than in...
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We investigate the role of price communication in imperfect information environments by setting up a dynamic differentiated duopoly where actions are not observable and where firms decide, before pricing, whether to communicate their choices to the rivals. When firms play simultaneously in the...
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In a context of economic integration, we analyse the strategic effect of wo policies: merger policy and state aid policy. When governments play a Stackelberg policy game before firms compete in the market we find that: a) only under certain conditions, the leader country chooses a merger policy...
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We introduce strategic behaviour in assigning a certain distribution channel to a product of a particular quality. We propose a variety of models to analyze and study some of the determinants of the choice of distribution channels. Taking the Gabszewicz and Thisse's (1979) model as a benchmark,...
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