Showing 1 - 10 of 11
who first entered on a student/trainee visa or a temporary work visa have a large advantage over natives in wages …
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A transformation of what had become a universal 40-hour standard working week in Germany began in 1985 with reductions …
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Following monetary union with the west in June 1990, the employment rate for east German 18-54 year olds fell from 89% to 73% in six years, and the decline for women was considerably larger. This employment fall is possibly the worst of any European transition economy, yet one might have...
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Il est question dans ce document de l'accentuation de l'ecart de gains entre les immigrants et les Canadiens de souche depuis deux decennies, et des explications actuelles de cette deterioration du marche du travail parmi les immigrants recents en particulier. Le document fait etat egalement de...
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This article analyses the relationship between the quality of education that immigrants received in their home country, as measured by international test scores, and their success in the Canadian labour market.
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Dans le systeme federal canadien de selection des immigrants (qualifies) appartenant a la categorie economique, les etudes postsecondaires sont traitees comme s'il s'agissait d'un element homogene, toute variation se situant sur le seul plan quantitatif. Toutefois, certaines provinces...
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Dans cet article, on analyse le lien entre la qualite de l'education que les immigrants ont recue dans leur pays d'origine, tel que mesuree par les resultats aux examens internationaux, et leur degre de reussite sur le marche du travail canadien.
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In Canada's federal system for economic (skilled) class immigrant selection, education is treated as if it is homogeneous and only differs in quantity. Some provinces, however, differentiate based on postsecondary field of study. This study explores the economic implications of field of study...
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This paper reviews the increase in the earnings gap between immigrants and Canadian-born over the past two decades, and the current explanations of this labour market deterioration among recent immigrants in particular. The paper also outlines the rising gap in low-income rates between...
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Following monetary union with west Germany in June 1990 the median real monthly wage of prime age east German workers …
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