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In this paper we use micro panel data to examine the effects of oil price shocks on employment and real wages, at the … the basis of skill level. We find that oil price increases result in a substantial decline in real wages for all workers … substantial changes in employment shares and relative wages across industries. However, we find little evidence that oil price …
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This paper examines the response of real wages and employment probabilities to nominal shocks using micro-panel data … predict that nominal surprises should be negatively correlated with real wages in sectors with nominal contracting. In fact …, inflation surprises are found to be essentially uncorrelated with real wages in all sectors, while money growth surprises are …
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residual variance of log wages across industries is explained by individual fixed-effects. Only 16 percent of the residual … wages in efficiency wage paying (or primary) industries should be relatively rigid. Therefore, industry wage differentials …
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This paper examines the response of sectoral real wages and location probabilities to oil price shocks using U.S. micro … relative wages should increase unemployment in the short run and lead to labor reallocation in the long run. Consistent with … these predictions, the oil price changes of the 1970s resulted in substantial movements in industry relative wages and …
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This paper uses micro data to examine differences in the cyclical variability of employment, hours, and wages for … workers are subject to essentially the same degree of cyclical variation in wages. That is, relative offer wage differentials …
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