Showing 1 - 10 of 115
Die Verteilung gesellschaftlicher Ressourcen ist von hoher gesellschafts- wie wirtschafts- und sozialpolitischer Bedeutung. Was allerdings für eine fundierte Auseinandersetzung fehlt, sind zuverlässige Daten vor allem zu den hohen Einkommen. Die vorliegende Studie soll dazu beitragen, die...
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Mit dieser Studie wird eine Serie von Grundlagenpapieren zur Statistik und den Freien Berufen eröffnet, die mit der amtlichen Statistik beginnend, zentrale Statistiken der Freien Berufe auf der Indiviualbasis thematisiert. Freie Berufe im Mikrozensus I - Struktur und quantitative Bedeutung...
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This paper argues that public holidays facilitate the co-ordination of leisure time but do not constrain the annual amount of leisure. Public holidays therefore have benefits both in the utility of leisure on holidays and (by enabling people to maintain social contacts more easily) in increasing...
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With the notion of success in a series of trials extended to refer to a run of like outcomes, several new distributions are obtained as the result of sampling from an urn without replacement or with additional replacements. In this context, the hypergeometric, negative hypergeometric,...
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Auch der aktuelle zweite Armuts- und Reichtumsbericht der Bundesregierung akzentuiert die beiden Pole der Einkommensverteilung: Armut und Reichtum. Erstmals ist darin auf der Basis der Mikrodaten der Einkommensteuerstatistiken 1992, 1995 und 1998 – und auf der Basis einer Fortschreibung mit...
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Against a background of rising costs and increasing competition, it is besoming more and more difficult for the small and medium-sized firms of the German mechanical engineering industry to be economically successful. The thesis that rapidly changing markets, products and production processes...
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A stock replenishing model is considered whereby not only the demand for the item, but also the stock in hand and the lead time period are considered to be random variables. The interrelations of these three item characteristics are then studied in the framework of a scheme for deciding when to...
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Traditional welfare analyses based on money income needs to be broadened by its time dimension. In the course of time the traditional full-time work is diminishing and new labour arrangements are discussed (keyword: flexible labour markets). Our study is contributing to economic well-being by...
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The labour market providing individual resources and economic well-being is still a topic in the economic and social policy discussion. In the course of time the traditional full-time work is diminishing, new labour arrangements are discussed (keyword: flexible labour markets). This study will...
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In this paper, distributions of items sampled inversely in clusters are derived. In particular, negative binomial type of distributions are obtained and their properties are studied. A logarithmic series, type of distribution is also defined as limiting form of the obtained generalized negative...
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