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Different speed and aftermath of the transition of twenty post-communist Central and Eastern European countries to free-market economy has posed a question about political and economical reasons led only some countries being successful in their transformation. The attempt was done in this paper...
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The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the participation of local banks exerts an impact on the spreads of syndicated loans in Russia. Following Berger, Klapper and Udell (2001), we aim to test whether local banks possess a superior ability to solve information asymmetries. In...
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: they all relate the volume of bank intermediation to gross domestic product (GDP). It is argued that since transition … banking sector is the ratio of bank assets to a proxy of the stock of financial wealth rather than to GDP. Findings – There is …
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Bank of Central African's States (BEAC). First, with a GMM adapted for a forward looking rule, we propose a reaction … function for this central bank. The result shows that from 1986 to 2006, the formulation of the monetary policy strongly …
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Der Bericht beinhaltet die Ursachen der Finanzierungsprobleme der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in den neuen Bundesländern. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei die Beurteilung der Eigenkapitalausstattung des industriellen Mittelstandes. Weiterhin war es wichtig die Rolle der Banken bei der...
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Beklagt wird zum einen, daß sich die Banken zu wenig an Unternehmen in den neuen Bundesländern beteiligten. Dies betrifft vor allem - aber nicht nur - die im Rahmen des Solidarpaktes zugesagte sog. "Bankenmilliarde". Darüber hinaus ist immer wieder die Rede davon, daß die Kreditwirtschaft...
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variable. As for explanatory variables, we put together a set of proxies for quality of bank governance and management, such as ….g. degree of Board independence, qualification of external auditors), stability of bank’s governing bodies (Management Board and … bank, stability of the governing bodies, involvement of well-established external auditors and also that strategic …
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