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its capital markets. However, the prompt response by the government and the central bank stabilised Korea’s financial …
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The global crisis exposed weaknesses in the Hungarian financial system that pose risks to financial stability. Excessive risk-taking by banks and households had been masked by relatively stable exchange rates, the expected early adoption of the euro and unusually lax credit conditions in...
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point per annum. Economic output is mainly affected by an increase in bank lending spreads as banks pass a rise in bank … Tier 1 capital ratio) could increase bank lending spreads by about 50 basis points. The estimated effects on GDP growth …
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survey of private bank lending towards developing countries is undertaken in order to identify the private banks most active … an international division of labour in bank lending: within the developing world, banks from OECD countries tend to focus … their credit on specific regions and countries. This mapping of private bank lending also allows us to pinpoint concrete …
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Based on interviews with officers and workers in four banks and four insurance companies in each country.
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Examines the role of financial institutions in transferring remittance and macro-economic background against which such transfers takes place; evaluates use of remittance, the characteristics and needs of remittance sending/receiving persons; explores the possible role of micro-finance institutions...
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Explores how public actors, especially in home countries, link foreign direct investment (FDI) to labour and employment issues.
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and employment. It looks at ways central banks are concerned with labour market outcomes, and what central bank policies …
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