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Die Förderung institutionalisierter Kinderbetreuung durch die öffentliche Hand ist eines der zentralen Elemente in der … aktuelle Forschungsstudie des ifo Instituts, die die Auswirkungen von öffentlich geförderter Kinderbetreuung für Familien mit …, zeigt, dass sich die öffentliche Kinderbetreuung positiv auf die Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung von Müttern auswirkt. Die Kosten …
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Die vorliegende Studie wurde im Auftrag der Robert Bosch Stiftung im ifo Arbeitsbereich "Sozialpolitik und Arbeitsmärkte" erstellt und im Juni 2005 abgeschlossen, um die Arbeit der von der Bosch Stiftung initiierten Kommission "Familie und demographischer Wandel" zu unterstützen. Gegenstand...
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The size of the population represents a determining factor for the dimension of the labor force, of the potential population and of the actual labor force. Starting with 1990, Romania has undergone a process of major demographic changes. The direct demographic causes of the decline registered...
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Structural transformation towards a more knowledge-based economy will strengthen Spain’s medium-term growth prospects. To deal with long standing impediments to higher growth the government has a substantial structural reform programme touching on education, the labour market and the business...
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A striking observation of the U.S. and other labor markets is the weak position of women in terms of job attachment, employment, and earnings relative to men. We develop a model of fertility and labor market decisions to study the impact of fertility on gender differences in labor turnover,...
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In this paper we aim to study and compare the countries of the former EU-15 in terms of the difference in labour market conditions between mothers and non-mothers and we look at how public policies can be designed in order to minimise the employment penalties associated with the presence of...
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qualitativ bessere oder billigere (subventionierte) Kinderbetreuung die Fertilität oder das Arbeitsangebot von Frauen erhöht … Kinderbetreuung, Fertilität und Frauenerwerbstätigkeit. Zunächst wird ein theoretisches Modell vorgestellt, das untersucht, ob eine …
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The baby-boom and subsequent baby-bust have shaped much of the history of the second half of the 20th century; yet it is still largely unclear what caused them. This paper presents a new unified explanation of the fertility Boom-Bust that links the latter to the Great Depression and the...
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We study the effect of culture on important economic outcomes by using the 1970 Census to examine the work and fertility behaviour of women 30-40 years old, born in the US, but whose parents were born elsewhere. We use past female labour force participation and total fertility rates from the...
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Maternal mortality was the second largest cause of death for women in childbearing years up until the mid-1930s in the United States. For each death, twenty times as many mothers were estimated to suffer pregnancy related conditions, often leading to severe and prolonged disablement. Poor...
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