Showing 1 - 10 of 76
This paper studies a classical extension of the Black and Scholes model of option pricing, often known as the Hull and White model. Our specificity is that the volatility process is assumed not only to be stochastic, but also to have long memory features and properties. We study here the...
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We prove that the recently proposed informational herding models are but special cases of a standard single person experimentation model with myopia. We then re-interpret the incorrect herding outcome as a familiar failure of complete learning in an optimal experimentation problem.
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We investigate the stability problem for a nonlinear autoregressive model with Markov switching. First we give conditions for the existence and the uniqueness of a stationary ergodic solution. The existence of moments of such a solution is then examined and we establish a strong law numbers for...
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Procedures for estimating a linear single-equation model by means of panel data with errors-in-variables are considered. To eliminate fixed individual heterogeneity, the equation is differenced across one or more than one periods. The differenced equations can be estimated by using as...
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In this paper, we draw on both the consistent specification testing and the predictive ability testing literatures and propose a test for predictive accuracy which is consistent against generic nonlinear alternatives. Broadly speaking, given a particular reference model, assume that the...
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We derive an approximation to the expectation of the likelihood tatio test for cointegration in the vector autoregressive model. The expression depends on moments of functions of random walk, which are tabulated by simulation, and functions of the parameters, which are estimated. From this...
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The paper proposes an original class of conditionally heteroskedastic models aimed to capture a new concept of asymmetry. Not only past up and down moves of stock market returns have different impacts on the conditional variance, but also, positive and negative changes are governed by different...
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An extremely simple proof of the K-K-M-S Theorem is given involving only Brouwer's fixed point theorem and some elementary calculus.
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