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Patient dropout is a common problem in studies that collect repeated binary measurements. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) are often used to analyze such data. The dropout mechanism may be plausibly missing at random (MAR), i.e. unrelated to future measurements given covariates and past...
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Formulas for estimating sample sizes are presented to provide specified levels of power for tests of significance from a longitudinal design allowing for subject attrition. These formulas are derived for a comparison of two groups in terms of single degree-of-freedom contrasts of population...
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Missing data is a very frequent obstacle in many social science studies. The absence of values on one or more variables can signi?cantly affect statistical analyses by reducing their precision and by introducing selection biases. Being unable to account for these aspects may result in severe...
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The method of multiple imputation (MI) is used increasingly for analyzing datasets with missing observations. Two sets of tasks are required in order to implement the method: (a) generating multiple complete datasets in which missing values have been imputed by simulating from an appropriate...
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A controlled clinical trial was conducted to investigate the efficacy effect of a chemical compound in the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). The data from the trial showed a non-monotone pattern of missing data and an ante-dependence covariance structure. A new analytical...
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This article describes a substantial update to mvis, which brings it more closely in line with the feature set of S. van Buuren and C. G. M. Oudshoorn’s implementation of the MICE system in R and S-PLUS (for details, see To make a clear distinction from...
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Research using the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and other data shows that direct government payments to farmers increase rents and the price of land. However, some ARMS data is imputed and does not account for relationships between payments and other variables. We investigate...
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