Showing 1 - 10 of 327
I propose a model of the housing market using a search framework with asymmetric information in which sellers are … contribute to housing market illiquidity. Real estate agents that can facilitate the search process can segment the market and … matching process, incentive compatible listing contracts are implementable as long as housing is not already sufficiently …
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I propose a model of the housing market using a search framework with asymmetric information in which sellers are … advantage in the matching process, incentive compatible listing contracts are implementable as long as housing is not already … posting as a signalling device to direct buyers' search. Adverse selection and inefficient entry on the demand side then …
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This paper shows that all perfect Bayesian equilibria of a decentralized dynamic matching market with two …. Agents engage in costly search and meet randomly. The terms of trade are determined through bilateral bargaining between … costs of search become small, all equilibria of the market game converge to perfectly competitive equilibria. …
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This article develops a search-theoretic model of financial intermediation to study the efficiency condition of the … banking sector. Competitive financial intermediation is determined by the search decisions of both households (to find … by banks or are bargained under a specific Hosios (1990) condition, which addresses the hold-up problem induced by search …
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We investigate a canonical search-theoretic model without entry. Two agents are randomly matched with a long side being …
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We prove existence of steady-state equilibrium in a class of matching modelswith search frictions. …
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data from a growing online platform that matches travelers and hosts to study matching and transaction costs on online … platforms. I show that the matching probability for guests has increased by 18% over a span of two years on the platform. I then … show that the increase in efficiency holds even when controlling for the search intensity of guests, the change in the …
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of costly search to discover prices. We ask whether such equilibria can be learnt when sellers adjust proces adaptively …
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We develop an equilibrium model of illiquid asset valuation based on search and matching. We propose several measures … of illiquidity and show how these measures behave. We also show that the equilibrium amount of search may be less than …, equal to or greater than the amount of search that is socially optimal. Finally, we show that excess returns on illiquid …
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This is the second part of a two-part analysis of optimal spatial search begun in Harwitz et al. (1998). In the present … article, two explicit computational procedures are developed for the optimal spatial search problem studied in Part I. The …
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