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This chapter presents an application of competitive general equilibrium theory of markets in the spirit of Walras …, formalized in the 1950s by K. Arrow and by G. Debreu. In using general equilibrium theory to generate insight into current policy … organization of economic activity (1969), on the evaluation of public investment (Arrow and Lind, 1970), and in urban development …
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The objective of this paper is to analyse farm strategies and investment behaviour in a sample of selected Italian farm … households using multi-criteria dynamic programming, including investment choice. A total of 24 farms were selected for modelling … household investment, though the latter seems more relevant than the former. However, decoupling itself shows minor effects in …
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The basic idea when evaluating the companies on the basis of the cash-flows expected to e generated in the future consists of up-dating the available cash-flows at an appropriate rate of the expected yield. However, the matter gets complicated if considering the fact that we can utilize both the...
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"Institutional approaches to social dilemmas have so far focused on how to create incentive structures that channel individuals' behavior into socially desirable outcomes assuming that everyone is selfish. However, the presumption of universal selfishness is not only empirically invalid but may...
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"Our focus in this paper is with the transaction costs inherent in most decision making settings. We specifically investigate an "institution free" collective choice mechanism that includes costs to calling votes. A set of models show that under low costs (i.e., where no cost-induced equilibrium...
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"This paper provides an experimental analysis of bargaining under imperfect information, molded by the circumstances found in oil field unitization. The purpose of the study is two-fold. One purpose is to provide a more in-depth analysis of how information affects bargained shares and...
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"The classical economists were primarily engaged in analysis of the wonder that is production. The marginalists, while laying the foundation of mathematical economics, shifted its focus to rational behavior of a single consumer, presumably because there they found a problem readily amenable to...
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Subsequently published as:"Incorporating Motivational Heterogeneity into Game Theoretic Models of Collective Action." Public Choice, 117, 2003, 295-315."Understanding cooperation in the context of social dilemma games is fundamental to understanding how alternative institutional arrangements may...
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"Many natural resources can be effectively exploited mainly by using capital-intensive technologies. We develop a bargaining model with endogenous inside and outside options to analyze the interactions between local communities having at least some degree of informal claims over natural...
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"Institutional arrangements are key drivers of the use of common-pool resources (CPR). The analysis of existing arrangements requires a framework that allows research to describe a case study systematically and diagnose the institutional setting. Based on a sound understanding of current...
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