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We give the theoretical basis of a possible explanation for two stylized facts observed in long log-return series: the long-range dependence (LRD) in volatility and the integrated GARCH (IGARCH). Both these effects can be explained theoretically if one assumes that the data are nonstationary. ©...
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Estimators of regression coefficients are known to be asymptotically normally distributed, provided certain regularity conditions are satisfied. In small samples and if the noise is not normally distributed, this can be a poor guide to the quality of the estimators. The paper addresses this...
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We get a criterion for the strong law of large numbers for ruled sums of i.i.d. random variables indexed by finite sets. As applications we obtain strong laws of large numbers for rectangular sums of independent random variables.
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Many real-life time series exhibit clusters of outlying observations that cannot be adequately modeled by a Gaussian distribution. Heavy-tailed distributions such as the Pareto distribution have proved useful in modeling a wide range of bursty phenomena that occur in areas as diverse as finance,...
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A limit theory was developed in the papers of Davis and Dunsmuir (1996) and Davis et al. (1995) for the maximum likelihood estimator, based on a Gaussian likelihood, of the moving average parameter in an MA(1) model when is equal to or close to 1. Using the local parameterization, , where is the...
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In the time series literature one can often find the claim that the periodogram ordinates of an iid sequence at the Fourier frequencies behave like an iid standard exponential sequence. We review some results about functions of these periodogram ordinates, including the convergence of extremes,...
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Let be a discrete time moving average process based on i.i.d. symmetric random variables {Zt} with a common distribution function from the domain of normal attraction of a p-stable law (0 p 2). We derive the limit distribution of the normalized periodogram . This generalizes the classical...
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In this paper we study the distributional tail behavior of the solution to a linear stochastic differential equation driven by infinite variance [alpha]-stable Lévy motion. We show that the solution is regularly varying with index [alpha]. An important step in the proof is the study of...
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We consider a simple bilinear process Xt=aXt-1+bXt-1Zt-1+Zt, where (Zt) is a sequence of iid N(0,1) random variables. It follows from a result by Kesten (1973, Acta Math. 131, 207-248) that Xt has a distribution with regularly varying tails of index [alpha]0 provided the equation Ea+bZ1u=1 has...
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