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Group sequential stopping rules are often used as guidelines in the monitoring of clinical trials in order to address the ethical and efficiency issues inherent in human testing of a new treatment or preventive agent for disease. Such stopping rules have been proposed based on a variety of...
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We propose some new two-stage stopping procedures to construct absolute-width and relative-width confidence intervals for a simulation estimator of the steady-state mean of a stochastic process. The procedures are based on the method of standardized time series proposed by Schruben and on...
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This paper considers the problem of selling an asset on the open market. The seller receives a random sequence of price offers, which may arrive either periodically or randomly over time. After each offer is received, the seller must decide whether or not to sell, weighing the possibility of...
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We continue our survey of methods for constructing confidence intervals for steady-state means via simulation by studying sequential procedures which determine the length of the simulation during the course of the run. Our goal is to provide the simulation practitioner with some guidance as to...
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Abstract This paper examines the impact of variation in transportation options – what I denote the “supply network” – on observed price differences between locations for a specific good, retail gasoline. I use a unique data set of weekly gasoline prices across 44 Canadian cities to...
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The growth of Internet price search tools, notably shopbots, has reduced consumers’ search costs for price and some product characteristics. While a variety of analytic models predict that increased consumer search through shopbots will lower price levels among competing retailers, there is no...
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There have been many claims that the Internet represents a new nearly "frictionless market." Our research empirically analyzes the characteristics of the Internet as a channel for two categories of homogeneous products-books and CDs. Using a data set of over 8,500 price observations collected...
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