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In this paper we introduce estimators for the nonparametric and the finite dimensional components of a partially additive model. In a first step the parametric part is estimated through an instrumental variable method. Then the nonparametric additive components are estimated by inserting the...
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In this paper, we consider the nonparametric estimation of a varying coefficient fixed effect panel data model. The estimator is based in a within (un-smoothed) transformation of the regression model and then a local linear regression is applied to estimate the unknown varying coefficient...
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The plea bargaining procedure, namely the viability of a stage of bargaining between prosecutor and defendant in criminal suits, is analyzed in the framework of a two-sided incomlete information game.
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In the first part of this paper we prove that the global quadratic optimization problem over a simplex can be solved with a constant relative accuracy. In the second part we consider some natural extensions of the result.
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This note analyzes the effect of product complementarity in a bilateral oligopoly. We show that offers of traders on the two sides of the market are strategic complements (substitutes) if and only if the two goods are substitutes (complements). The outcome of the bilateral oligopoly game...
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