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This paper studies test of hypotheses for the slope parameter in a linear time trend panel data model with serially correlated error component disturbances. We propose a test statistic that uses a bias corrected estimator of the serial correlation parameter. The proposed test statistic which is...
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We register a random sequence which has the following properties: it has three segments being the homogeneous Markov processes. Each segment has his own one step transition probability law and the length of the segment is unknown and random. It means that at two random successive moments (they...
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We have developed a new test against spurious long memory based on the invariance of long memory parameter to aggregation. By using the local Whittle estimator, the statistic takes the supremum among combinations of paired aggregated series. Simulations show that the test performs good in finite...
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The largest partial sum of deviations from the mean is a statistic of importance in several areas of application, including hydrology and in testing for a change-point. Approximations to its distribution for the simple normal case have appeared in the literature, based either on functionals of...
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This paper proposes a class of test procedures for a structural change with an unknown change point. In particular, we consider a general financial time series model with conditional heteroskedasticity. The test statistics are constructed via the empirical distribution approach and aim at...
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