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This paper analyzes the relationship between unemployment duration and the spatial distribution of employment. It builds on the spatial mismatch literature by analyzing the role of access in a job search framework. A unique measure of access is created using municipal level employment growth and...
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In this paper we use the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to construct a series of even history files that follow young black men and women as they age year-by-year from 15 to 30. Given a person's individual, family, and neighborhood characteristics in year t, we predict the odds of various...
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This paper summarizes recent empirical work on displaced workers. Although widely distributed, displacement is strongly counter cyclical and concentrated in less-educated occupations and in industries and states doing relatively poorly. There has been a shift toward plant closings and more...
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This paper analyzes whether people who enter the labor market during economic downturns suffer a setback in their careers that can last indefinitely. I test whether recessions experienced in a person's state of birth between the ages of 16 and 25 have effects that persist at the individual level...
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This paper examines the incentive effects caused by the interactions between unemployment insurance (UI) and sickness insurance (SI), two important components of Sweden's social insurance system. There are two main topics of interest: how the sickness report rate and the length of the subsequent...
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This paper develops a matching model in the market for directors to explain equilibrium board quality. In my model, (1) the boards of directors have the role of monitoring and advising, (2) the impact of a CEO's quality increases with the size of a firm under his control, (3) the CEO and the...
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I construct an intertemporal searching model (take it or leave it offer) in a frictional directorship market to explain the unbalanced matching between the director and the firm. In this model, potential candidates for outside directors and firms have heterogeneous (also, well ordered) quality...
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This is the first study providing evidence of a new form of discrimination, implicit discrimination, acting in real economic life. In a two-stage field experiment we first measure the difference in callbacks for interview for applicants with Arab/Muslim sounding names compared to applicants with...
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In this paper, we examine the disincentive effects of the public employment service on the search effort of unemployed workers and on their exit rate from unemployment. For that purpose, we specify a structural search model with fixed and variable costs of search in which unemployed workers...
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The impact of the administration of unemployment benefits on time spent unemployed is a neglected issue in discussion of incentive effects in Central and Eastern Europe. We use Labour Force Survey data, administrative registers and inspection of benefit office practices to show that there is...
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