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We propose a new approach to deal with structural breaks in time series models. The key contribution is an alternative dynamic stochastic specification for the model parameters which describes potential breaks. After a break new parameter values are generated from a so-called baseline prior...
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The paper makes a critical assessment of the Principal Components-GARCH (PC-GARCH) model and argues why, when dealing with hundreds or thousands of variables, this model comes up as the most appropriate to be used. The suitability originates from the perspective of quality/cost ratio of...
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In two recent papers, Granger and Ding (1995a, b) considered long return series that are first differences of logarithmed price series or price indices. They established a set of temporal and distributional properties for such series and suggested that the returns are well characterized by the...
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In this paper, we develop a general approach for constructing simple tests for the correct density forecasts, or equivalently, for i.i.d. uniformity of appropriately transformed random variables. It is based on nesting a series of i.i.d. uniform random variables into a class of copula-based...
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Multi-step forecasts can be produced recursively by iterating a one-step model, or directly using a specific model for each horizon. Choosing between these two strategies is not an easy task since it involves a trade-off between bias and estimation variance over the forecast horizon. Using a...
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We propose a new approach to deal with structural breaks in time series models. The key contribution is an alternative dynamic stochastic specification for the model parameters which describes potential breaks. After a break new parameter values are generated from a so-called baseline prior...
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The objective of this paper is to calculate, model, and forecast realized volatility using high-frequency stock-market index data. The approach differs from existing ones in several ways. First, it is shown that the decay of the serial dependence of high-frequency returns on the sampling...
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Using density forecasts, we compare the predictive performance of duration models that have been developed for modelling intra-day data on stock markets. Our model portfolio encompasses the autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) model, its logarithmic version (Log-ACD), the threshold ACD...
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We propose a tree-structured heterogeneous autoregressive (tree-HAR) process as a simple and parsimonious model for the estimation and prediction of tick-by-tick realized correlations. The model can account for different time and other relevant predictors' dependent regime shifts in the...
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We study the accuracy of a wide variety of estimators of asset price variation constructed from high-frequency data (so-called "realized measures"), and compare them with a simple "realized variance" (RV) estimator.  In total, we consider almost 400 different estimators, applied to 11 years of...
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