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Rapporten behandlar frågan om vilka interna konsekvenser som följer av företags CSR-arbete. Ett internt inriktat CSR-arbete kan medföra att kraven på medarbetarna ökar. Medarbetarna förutsätts skaffa sig kunskap om CSR, relatera begreppet till den egna arbetssituationen, prestera konkret...
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The discounted cash flow model, like other firm valuation models, proceeds in two periods. For each year in the explicit forecast period, there is an individual forecast of free cash flow. On the other hand, all of the years in the post-horizon period are represented through one single...
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Research suggests that direct measurement of attitude is not necessarily adequate to establish determinants of behavior. Cognitive and affective aspects of behavior presumably differ in accessibility when using direct measurement as typically the case with verbal self-reports. Data was collected...
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Denna forskningsstudie handlar om hur affärsverksamhet, samarbetsformer och möjligheterna till lärande och kunskapsöverföring påverkas när organisationer väljer att separera delar av den interna tjänsteprocessen och lägga ut den hos fristående underleverantörer, så kallad business...
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This article informs the question of how a business sector interacts with perceived demands from the public. Swedish financial firms suffer from low public confidence. The Swedish public has become increasingly involved in the equities market. Brokerage houses have al-ways appeared as exclusive....
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In this paper we test for existence of cointegration between health expenditure and GDP using data from 19 OECD countries for the period 1960-1995. Country-by-country and panel results based on the Johansen multivariate likelihood-based inference and a new panel test for cointegration rank are...
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The size-wage effect is well documented in the empirical literature, and typical attempts of explanation center on the supply side, using variations of the human capital approach, perhaps combined with institutional theories. With conclusive evidence of its source yet to emerge, an alternative...
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Nonnegativety constraints on the parameters of the GARCH (p, Q) model may be relaxed without giving up the requirement of the conditional variance remaining non- negative with probability one. This paper looks into the consequences of adopting these less severe constraints in the GARCH (2,2)...
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In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the unconditional fourth moment of the GARCH (p, q) process is given as well as an expression for the moment itself. Furthermore, the autocorrelation function of the centred and squared observations of this process is...
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The paper investigates the redistributive effects of the Swedish health care financing system in 1980 and 1990 for four different financial sources: County council taxes, payroll taxes, direct payments oand state grants. The redistributive effects are decomposed into vertical, horizontal and...
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