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It is a well known fact that at high sampling frequencies, the contamination of microstructure noise causes the Realized Variance to be a biased measure of the Integrated Variance. Recent developments in this field propose sampling on lower frequencies, sub-sampling techniques, or bias...
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This paper develops and tests a heterogeneous agents model for the option market. Contrary to the common practice in the heterogeneous agents literature of modeling the level process, we introduce heterogeneity and switching in the variance process of the stock market. The market consists of two...
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Previous research indicates that the US market for inflation-linked bonds is not efficient and that market inefficiencies can be exploited by informed traders who include survey estimations or inflation model forecasts in trades on break-even inflation. Results from this extended research over a...
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It is a well known empirical fact that actual option prices show persistent and systematic deviations from Black-Scholes option values. While a substantial number of enhancements have been proposed in the literature, these approaches typically leave investors’ preferences towards risk...
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GARCH-type models have been very successful in describing the volatility dynamics of financial return series for short periods of time. However, for example macroeconomic events may cause the structure of volatility to change and the assumption of stationarity is no longer plausible. In order to...
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This paper develops and tests a heterogeneous agents model for the option market. Our agents have different beliefs about the future level of volatility of the underlying stock index and trade accordingly. We consider two types of agents: fundamentalists and chartists, who are able to switch...
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In this paper we investigate the importance of different loss functions when estimating and evaluating option pricing models. Our analysis shows that it is important to take into account parameter uncertainty, since this leads to uncertainty in the predicted option price. We illustrate the...
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GARCH-type models have been very successful in describing the volatility dynamics of financial return series for short periods of time. However, the time-varying behavior of investors, for example, may cause the structure of volatility to change and the assumption of stationarity is no longer...
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In this paper, we investigate the importance of different loss functions when estimating and evaluating option pricing models. Our analysis shows that it is important to take into account parameter uncertainty, because this leads to uncertainty in the predicted option price. We illustrate the...
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We explicitly examine the role of culture in corporate takeover decisions. Prior research suggests that the risk aversion of CEOs affects their takeover decisions. In this paper, we argue that managerial risk aversion at a national level is a cultural trait and affects the net synergies. CEOs of...
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