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In emerging markets for high-value food products in developing countries, processing companies search for efficient ways to source raw material of consistent quality. One widely embraced approach is contract farming. But relatively little is known about the appropriate design of contracts,...
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Since corn is the primary feedstock used for producing ethanol in the U.S., and ethanol production yields byproducts that can be fed to livestock in combination with corn, addressing the effect of ethanol production on meat markets should consider not only demand and supply interdependence...
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A termékpályák tagoltsága, a termékpálya-fázisok eltérő koncentráltságábólfakadó piaci formák a tevékenységi láncban kialakult áralkukat, valamint az elérhető árnyereséget, illetve árveszteséget meghatározzák. A számítási eredményeketa piac szereplőinek...
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The objective of this study was to identify some facts that had influenced the fatcow arroba prices received by producers as well as carrying through estimates of these prices for a period of four months beginning in May 2007. It was used methodology idealized by Box-Jenkins (1976). The results...
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The robusta coffee market has experienced changes which are characterized by a growth in the demand and the confirmation of Vietnam as the world’s greater producer and exporter leaving behind traditional producers as Indonesia. These changes motivated the analysis of international price...
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A sertéspiacon a kibocsátott termék mennyiségét és a felvásárlási árakat szabá-lyos éven belüli mozgások (szezonalitás) jellemzik. A sertéshús árának alakulását több tényező befolyásolja, például a termelők által felkínált vágósertések mennyi-sége és a...
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Az EU csatlakozás drasztikus hatással volt a hazai tejszektorra, ilyen környe-zetben különösen fontos, hogy a jövőbeni tendenciákról megbízható információk álljanak rendelkezésre. E cikk keretében a hazai, az uniós és a világpiaci helyzet áttekintését, valamint a...
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The instability of the producers and investors income coming from price fluctuation is a problem whose characteristics and causes should be thoroughly investigated given the importance of the commodity in the national agribusiness and their losses in terms of profitability, jobs and exchange...
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Changes in the pork chain bring about the discussion whether the wholesalesector has the leadership of price transmission and also if prices are efficient marketindicators. The paper aims to identify what segment is the price leader in the pork chainand also to characterize the price volatility...
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