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In the wake of the Supreme Court's holding in Massachusetts v. E.P.A., it has become increasingly clear that US federal courts may soon experience a significant increase in litigation over global warming. For oil companies, utilities, and automakers - the most likely targets of such suits - one...
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We consider optimal consumption and portfolio investment problems of an investor who is interested in maximizing his utilities from consumption and terminal wealth subject to a random inflation in the consumption basket price over time. We consider two cases: (i) when the investor observes the...
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Costly information acquisition makes it rational for investors to obtain important economic news only with limited frequency or limited accuracy. We show that this rational inattention to important news may make investors overinvest or underinvest. In addition, the optimal trading strategy is...
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We study the deterministic control problem of maximizing utility from consumption of an agent who seeks to optimally allocate his wealth between consumption and investment in a financial asset subject to taxes on benefits with first-in-first-out priority rule on sales. Short sales are prohibited...
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This study examines the changing diversity of home buyers and the steps brokerage firms are taking to adapt to these changes. The results reveal that larger firms are experiencing a greater increase in customer diversity. This can be partly explained by their efforts to target diverse groups...
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This study finds evidence of a large premium in Youngtown Arizona house prices that persisted over time and could be attributed to the town's age-restricted status. Age restrictions may act as a signal that the community provides facilities and services that meet the needs of the senior...
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Rutherford, Springer and Yavas (2001) develop and empirically test a model that analyzes the effect the type of listing contract, either exclusive agency (EA) or exclusive right to sell (ERTS), has on the performance of the agent/broker. This paper extends the work of Rutherford et al. and looks...
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In this study, respondents from the P.R.C., U.S.A., Germany, and Poland were found to differ in risk preference, as measured by buying prices for risky financial options. Chinese repondents were significantly less risk-averse in their pricing than Americans when risk preference was assessed in...
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Since the work by Stigler on the economics of information in the early 1960s, economists have paid closer attention to the role of search for information. However, search methods are not considered in the theory of portfolio choice. We present a model of investor search behavior in order to...
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Retirement flexibility and inability to borrow against future labor income can significantly affect optimal consumption and investment. With voluntary retirement, there exists an optimal wealth-towage ratio threshold for retirement and human capital correlates negatively with the stock market...
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