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In most surveys, the risk of nonresponse is a factor taken into account at the planning stage. Commonly, resources are set aside for a follow-up procedure which aims at reducing the nonresponse rate. However, we should pay attention to the effect of nonresponse, rather than the nonresponse rate...
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Beforeafter comparisons indicate that the impact of the road toll in Stockholm on traffic volumes was smaller when the system was reopened in 2007, compared to the effect during the trial in 2006. We calibrate a modalchoice model on data for Stockholm from before and during the trial and use it...
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When sampling from a finite population the access to a good samplingcframe is of vital importance. However, the statistician often has to confront the problem of estimation in the face of non-negligible frame imperfections, e.g. overcoverage and undercoverage. In this paper we <p> discuss different...</p>
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Based on a panel of data for Swedish manufacturing firms in 1990-2000, this paper <p> finds strong evidence for the existence of positive spillover effects from inward FDI. <p> The presence of foreign ownership in the same industry and region seems to enhance the total factor productivity of domestic...</p></p>
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In voluntary programs that encourage social responsible (“safe”, “green”, or whatever) driving, it is possible to implement pricing schemes that more closely reflect the variation of the social marginal cost of driving than can be made with regular (more uniform) taxes and charges. This...
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In this paper we analyse determinants of firm R&D using matched Swedish employer-employee data spanning the period 1990-1999. We explore if <p> predictions from the model of creative destruction are supported by data. <p> Using various measures of competition, results indicate that competition is...</p></p>
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In this paper we derive a method for the estimation of symmetric input–output tables (SIOTs), which makes it possible to use the commodity technology assumption even when use- and make tables are rectangular. The method also solves the problem of negative coefficients. In the empirical part we...
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We compare state-of-the-art implementation of Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) and Cost Utility Analysis (CUA) as tools for making priorities in allocation of national public funds in the transport sector and health sector, respectively, in Sweden. While the principal distinctions between these...
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In some cost benefit analysis (CBA) applications, as for example valuation of climate change damages, distributional weights are used to account for diminishing utility of marginal income. This is usually done by intratemporal distributional weights, which are combined with discounting to...
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This paper studies a smooth-transition (ST) type cointegration. The proposed ST cointegration allows for regime switching structure in a cointegrated system, and nests the linear cointegration developed by Engle and Granger (1987) and the threshold cointe- gration studied by Balke and Fomby...
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